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 Post subject: Starting a business
PostPosted: 16 Jun 2012, 20:56 

Joined: 05 Mar 2010, 17:18
Posts: 54
Location: Edmond Oklahoma
Im about to start a small business doing ADC work. I have no idea what it will entail but i guess i'll learn. Any advice would be appreciated, especially on prices and liability stuff, as well as best methods of removal and what kind of equipment i will need. Thanks everyone,

 Post subject: Re: Starting a business
PostPosted: 16 Jun 2012, 20:58 
Professional Trapper
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Joined: 22 Apr 2008, 21:41
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Well, I'm not the one to answer, cause I've never done it as a buisness. But,if you don't get an answer here, try reposting on the more used "Campfire" forum.

Good luck.


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 Post subject: Re: Starting a business
PostPosted: 27 Jun 2012, 23:23 
Experienced Forum User
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Joined: 25 Jul 2009, 20:54
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Location: OREGON
bear i run an adc out of oregon and can tell you be ready for anything under the sun liabuility runs me 96 amonth for 1million coverage im sure you already have but check with your local fish and game as to local laws and stipulations we are different here county by county also contact the local city govt. of the cities you might be working in the ones down here have there own laws price check your competitors and you will have a good idea what to charge hope this helps

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 Post subject: Re: Starting a business
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2012, 16:30 

Joined: 19 Feb 2012, 20:32
Posts: 90
Location: central NC
several of 3 sizes of cage traps works well for me

body grips have limited use unless submerged for beaver or attic squirrels

subscribe to Wildlife Control Magazine and have Robb Russell at http://www.wildlifepro.com build you a website and hang on to your bootstraps

Robb uses ALL the hit words so your website gets the exposure when people google something like "bat removal in (your town)" or "nuisance animals".

As for prices, have your friends call the competition and ask them what the charge is to "remove a squirrel I see going in and out of a hole in the end gable."
They should be able to give a ball park estimate since you've given them all that info, as opposed to "a noise in the attic".

Hope this helps a bit

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 Post subject: Re: Starting a business
PostPosted: 09 Sep 2013, 12:36 

Joined: 06 Feb 2013, 20:15
Posts: 27
I just got into it last year, but I have somebody helping me, and he says number 1 is to know you animals. Know your state regs. Be careful of the antis. Be polite and do a good job. And enjoy.

 Post subject: Re: Starting a business
PostPosted: 22 Sep 2013, 18:31 
Professional Trapper
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Joined: 04 Apr 2009, 19:48
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Location: Montana
Learn what you are doing before you advertise much. Otherwise you can run into a train wreck. Look in NWCOA.

Yup, Welcome to Montana. Now go home.
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