I find it kind of ammusing also. City people tend to think wild animals in town are cute until it causes them some sort of problem. I'm sure like most big cities, Fargo, ND has a archery season in certain parts of the city for deer in the fall. Lately their big complaint has been to many turkeys in town. A few weeks ago they were complaining that beavers are taking down to many trees along the Red River by the parks making it not look so nice. But the people want them trapped, relocated and unharmed. In other words...........giving someone else there problems. So now the land owner by the pond will now have their trees cut or the township will have more blocked culverts because of relocating. BUT DON'T HURT THE BEAVERS! My guess is this California urban area has laws prohibiting the trapping of coyotes outside of city limits. Shaking my head...............