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PostPosted: 14 Apr 2009, 08:45 
Please leave this here for a few days and then move or archive as you see fit. Thanks Redrooster

Rabies: Rabies is an infectious disease of the central Nervous System. All warm-blooded animals, including Humans can get rabies. The virus is present in the animals saliva, so it can be transmitted through a bite or through a cut on the hands. The major carriers of rabies are skunks, foxes, bats and racoons The disease may take 2 to 16 weeks to develope. Common symptoms include aggression, lack of appetite, nervousness, muscle tremors, incoordination and difficulty in swallowing. Two forms of rabies are often described. In FURIOUS RABIES the animal is aggressive, vicious and then paralyzed. In DUMB RABIES the animal is quiet and paralyzed.

Canine Distemper is a common disease that can infect dogs, foxes, coyotes, coons, mink, badgers, weasels and skunks. Feline distemper is a seperate disease that can affect all members of the cat family, including Bobcats, moutain lions, racoon, mink, badger, weasels and skunks. Humans apparently do not acquire either disease. However all sick animals should be handled with care to avoid transmitting the disease to your pets. Canine distemper is transmitted by direct contact with the nose or mouth droplets from an infected animal. Signs of distemper are variable and may include high temprature, discharge from eyes and nose, red or infected patches of skin, swelling of feet, diarrhea, labored breathing, coughing or pneumonia. In some cases, canine distemper may look like rabies when the animal shows no fear, is disoriented, or froths at the mouth. Some infected animals show no signs of the disease until they go into convulsions and die.

Tularemia is a serious, often fatal disease caused by a bacterium. Rabits, hares and rodents are the most frequently infected, but many wild animals are susceptable to the disease. Humans may acquire tularemia by handling infected animals, particulary cottontail rabbits, beaver and muskrats. The bacteria may enter through cuts and scratches on the hands. The disease can be transmitted through direct contact; insect, tick or flea bites; contaminated water; or by eating infected meat that is not thoroughly cooked. Treatments for this disease are very effective.

Leptospirosis is caused by a small organism called spirochetes. Different forms of the disease infect a large variety of wildlife. Spirochetes enter the body through broken skin and through the mouth, nose and eye membranes. Signs of leptospirosis in humans include fever, headache, vomiting, sore musclees and eye infections. The disease is often transmitted in urine which may contaminate drinking water.

Sarcoptic mange
Sarcoptic mange is a disease caused by small parasitic mites that are invisiable to the naked eye. These burrow in the skin of their hosts and cause intense itching. The skin thickens, scabs form, and the fur falls out. The infected skin around the eyes and ears may cause blindness or hearing loss. Infected animals loose weight and in some cases die.
In North America the red fox is most seriosly affected by mange. Some other hosts are coyotes, wolves, rabits, hares, deer and rodents. Mites spread from one animal to another by direct contact or by using a common rubbing post. Human can pick up mites when they handle an infected animal. The infection in humans is usually minor and temporary. Veterinarians can treat your pets if they get this parasite.

Trichinosis is a parasitic disease that infects humans, domestic animals, and wildlife. Worm larvae grow in the muscle of their host, causing pain, fever, weight loss and tiredness. The infection is transmitted when the flesh of an infected animal is eaten. Humans can acquire the disease by eating poorly or under cooked, pork, bear or other wild meats.

There are many knids of tapeworms and most require a specific host for their developement. Tapeworms often go through a larval stage in an intermediate host. When they are transmitted to a definitive host, they grow, reproduce, and poduce eggs. These eggs released in the hosts feces
infect new intermediate hosts and the cycle continues. Tapeworms can be acquired by humans and carnivores by eating the larval tapeworms inside the flesh or body organs of an infected animal. Humans are most frequently infected by eating improperly cooked meats.

The guinea worm is a large worm found under the skin of raccoons, minks, skunks and occasionally other animals. The female worms produce larvae which leave the host through a skin ulcer. These larvae undergo an intermediate stage in a copepod (small crustacean). In turn, the infected copepod is swallowed in drinking water by a raccoon or other animal. The guinea worms found in North America does not infect humans.

Giardia lambia is a protozoan that infects the small intestine of humans and certain animals. The organism is initially spread by improper disposal of human waste. Human contamination of streams has spread the organism to beaver, which may maintain the disease in water. Sometimes giardia is called "BEAVER FEVER". People drinking contaminated water may become infected. Symptoms of infection are diarrhea, nausea, weakness, cramps and vomiting.

Precautions to take while handling Furbearers

Wear gloves when handling wild animals and rubber gloves when you skin them.

Be especially careful if you have any cuts on your hands. Make sure the cuts are bandaged and you wear rubber gloves

Wash hands and gloves thoroughly when you are finsihed skinning

Dispose of carcasses properly and promptly. Bury or burn unwanted carcasses and pelts.

Take special precautions if you are bitten
Kill the animal without damaging the head
Take the unfrozen head to a doctor or Vet for rabies testing
Have the wound throughly cleaned

Report the occurrence of sick wildlife to your local Fish and Game personnel

Keep your pets away from the pelts and carcasses

Keep your pets vaccinated and parasite-free with regular veterinary care.

Good luck trapping, May all your traps be full.

Last edited by redrooster on 15 Apr 2009, 09:04, edited 6 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 14 Apr 2009, 13:17 
Professional Trapper
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Joined: 20 Mar 2009, 18:23
Posts: 1532
Location: Ohio
Important and Great post!!!!

Again, by chance if you do get bit save that animal for testing! Call your local wildlife division or health dept. for help. Rabies shots for humans is not fun! and rabies will kill you!

Also if you have hunting dogs worm them regularly with a wormer containing ivermectin and pranziquantel. Have them vaccinated with a full vaccine containing the lepto and any other disease they may encounter, FOLLOW UP WITH BOOSTERS!!! older dogs are still at risk with constant exposure.
Also, heart worm your dogs, I've seen some fabulous hunting dogs die from it. :cry:

Some diseases and worms can be transferred back to humans.

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2010, 17:48 

Joined: 07 Dec 2009, 13:49
Posts: 72
Location: L.G. Wisconsin
Thanks for the info RR my dad had (I think) tulareima many years back. He cut his hand while skinning a muskrat and didn't really worry or take the proper steps to disenfect the wound.
If I remember right he was sick for quite some time. I think this should be a must read for all new members and all new trappers. thanks for the hard work RR.

Fur Chaser

Fur Chaser

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PostPosted: 07 Jan 2010, 09:56 
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Joined: 30 Aug 2006, 10:13
Posts: 1524
Location: The Withers of Wisconsin
It's done been Archived. Thanks for posting Red.

Molon Labe.

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