baylor wrote:
what would be a good bait to use? so 220 be the best trap.
what would be a good time of year to catch them to sell the fur?
First off, welcome to the site Baylor.
Second, fur is basically worthless unless it's prime. Prime means that the fur is at it's thickest which normally occurs from November to February depending on where you live.
Third, skunks will take anything from meat baits to cat food.
Fourth, Check your regulations where you're located. is there a trapping season that regulates the taking of skunks at a certain time? Can you use bodygrip traps on land? Many things to consider here.
For example, I live in Pennsylvania. Trapping season for skunks, opossum, raccoon, weasel, fox and coyote run from the end of October to the end of February. The use of bodygrip traps on dry land is illegal and we have a 36 hour mandatory trap check.